Ruzisa Italian product design and development studio,1991 founded in crema, a small town in the north of Milan.Explore the latest design trend of the whole world, and empower the creativity of the whole house.
LUCHESA 鲁齐萨诞生在意大利设计之都-米兰北部小镇Crema-克雷马传承了意大利设计的传统精髓。汲取了意式极简的奢华美学和严谨的细节工艺智造。通过简洁的线条,简单的黑与白,灰与红,光与影为你演绎塔尖人士艺术空间,极简的奢华在温暖的阳光中尽享鲁齐萨空间定制。
Luchesa ruziza was born in crema, a small town in the north of Milan, the capital of Italian design. It inherits the traditional essence of Italian design. It absorbs the simple luxury aesthetics of Italian style and the precise details of craftsmanship.
Through simple lines, simple black and white, gray and red, light and shadow, we can deduce the ultimate living art space for you, and enjoy the customization of ruzisa space in the warm sunshine with the simplest luxury.