1991年 LUCHESA 鲁齐萨诞生在时尚之都意大利——米兰北部小镇Crema,创始人朱塞佩·鲁齐萨汲取了意式极简的奢华美学和严谨细节工艺,创造出划时代的浪漫设计理念;致力坚持“极简、生态、自然的艺术之美”,缔造极简美学家居的时尚风向标杆。
Luchesel ruzisa was born in crema, the northern town of Milan, the fashion capital of Italy, in 1991. Its founder, Giuseppe ruzisa, drew on the luxury aesthetics and rigorous detail technology of Italian minimalism to create a epoch-making romantic design concept. He is committed to adhering to the "minimalism, ecology and natural beauty of Art" and creating a fashion direction benchmark for minimalism aesthetic home furnishings.
With the three core systems of fashionable design, exquisite technology and supreme service, we can deduce the art space of the ultimate human settlements, and enjoy qilussa minimalist aesthetic home customization in the warm sunshine..
LUCHESA 鲁齐萨·中国以时尚、美好的家园为核心,将意式极简设计理念通过自然的手法融入家居设计中。对于空间设计,我们用唯一性替代多样性,用精湛的工艺缔造高品质家居生活。感受意式极简设计所带来的生命力与美感,力求将最佳的设计、幸福的居住体验与精致城市生活融为一体。
Luchesa China takes the fashionable and beautiful home as the core, and integrates the Italian minimalist design concept into the home design through natural means. For space design, we replace diversity with uniqueness and create high-quality home life with exquisite technology. Feel the vitality and aesthetic feeling brought by the minimalist Italian design, and strive to integrate the best design, happy living experience and exquisite urban life.
LUCHESA 鲁齐萨在意大利拥有7000平米占地面积的现代化生产车间,用心构造意式极简法则。能为千万用户塑造舒适的、美好的家,是我们内心的需求与向往;绝非贵重的东西任意堆砌构成,勇于表达生活的热情及对本质的追求,让生活和欲望更简单纯粹。
Luchesa ruziza has a modern production workshop covering an area of 7000 square meters in Italy, which carefully constructs the minimalism of Italian style. It is our inner demand and yearning to build a comfortable and beautiful home for tens of millions of users; it is not a random pile of valuable things, and it is brave to express the passion and the most essential pursuit of life, so as to make life and desire more simple and pure."
LUCHESA 鲁齐萨专业产品研发工作室,致力于简约风格产品的研究,呈现前沿的整装定制视觉与人性化设计理念。
The so-called minimalism is the life form that reduces the material desire to the lowest demand. It is not to throw all the things away, but to think about what you really need. After reducing, we can see the "important".
Minimalist life philosophy tells us that by giving up the superfluous things in life, we can transcend the material and pursue the real important things in life: health, interpersonal relationship, enthusiasm, growth and dedication.
Luchesa professional product R & D studio is dedicated to the research of products with simple style, presenting the cutting-edge visual and humanized design concept of the whole set customization.